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Bohr Upgrade of BSC


Upgrade Timeline

The Bohr upgrade will happen at:

  • Testnet: 2024-08-20 01:23:16 AM UTC(passed)
  • Mainnet: 2024-09-26 02:20:00 AM UTC

Upgrade BSC Mainnet Nodes to v1.4.14 Before Hardfork

Release v1.4.14 is a hard fork release for BSC Mainnet, the HF name is: Bohr

There are 4 BEPs in Bohr:

  • BEP-341: Validators can produce consecutive blocks
  • BEP-402: Complete missing fields in Block Header to generate Signature
  • BEP-404: Clear Miner History when Switching Validators Set
  • BEP-410: Add Agent for Validators

Key Highlight: BEP-341: Validators can produce consecutive blocks

Among these BEPs, BEP-341 holds the most significance as it proposes a change to the block production protocol. However, BEP-341 will only come into effect after the affirmative outcome of a governance vote.

Key Highlight: BEP-402: Complete missing fields in Block Header to generate Signature

BEP-402 updates the block header signature logic, please pay special attention if your product involves the logic of block header verification.