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Primitive Interfaces

This document give a detailed introduction of cross-chain primitives that have been defined on EVM-compatible chains to enable developers to manage greenfield resources on the EVM-compatible chains directly.

The Greenfield-Contracts Repo is the underlying backbone of the cross chain communication protocol. It is responsible for implementing the core cross-chain communication functionality that enables seamless interaction between Greenfield and EVM-compatible chains, like BSC and opBNB. The library handles the complexities of cross-chain operations, ensuring secure and efficient communication.

During the development process, developers are most likely to interact with the following contracts: CrossChain, BucketHub, ObjectHub and GroupHub. They provide the following interfaces respectively:


Additional fees need to be paid to the relayer during the cross-chain process, and the latest value can be obtained through the CrossChain contract.

interface ICrossChain {
    /** @dev Query relayFee and minAckRelayFee. 
     * @return relayFee, the fee required for the relayer to relay the package to GNFD.
     * @return minAckRelayFee, the minimum fee required for the relayer to circulate the ACK package to BSC.
     * The caller will need to pay no less than this [relayFee+minAckRelayFee] to send the cross-chain request.
    function getRelayFees() external returns (uint256 relayFee, uint256 minAckRelayFee);

    /** @dev Query the latest callback gas price.
     * @return If the dapp contract has a callback function, the caller will need to pay extra [gas price * callback gas limit] fee 
     * when the caller send the initial cross-chain request.
    function callbackGasPrice() external returns (uint256);


The GroupHub contract provides the following interfaces to manage Group on BSC/opBNB directly.

interface IGroupHub {
     * @dev  Query the contract address of group NFT
     * @return The contract address of group token
     * Each group will be mapped as a NFT on BSC.
     * Group ID and NFT token ID are the same.
    function ERC721Token() external view returns (address);
     * @dev  Query the contract address of member NFT
     * @return The contract address of member token
     * The member inside a group  will be mapped as a ERC1155 token on BSC.
     * The ID of the ERC1155 token is same with the group ID.
    function ERC1155Token() external view returns (address);

     * @dev create a group and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * @param creator The group's owner
     * @param name The group's name
    function createGroup(address creator, string memory name) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev create a group and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD.
     * Callback function will be called when the request is processed.
     * @param creator The group's owner
     * @param name The group's name
     * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
     * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
     * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time.
    function createGroup(
        address creator,
        string memory name,
        uint256 callbackGasLimit,
        CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData
    ) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev delete a group and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * @param id The group's id
    function deleteGroup(uint256 id) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev delete a group and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * Callback function will be called when the request is processed.
     * @param id The group's id
     * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
     * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
     * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time.
    function deleteGroup(uint256 id, uint256 callbackGasLimit, CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev update a group's member and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * @param synPkg Package containing information of the group to be updated
    function updateGroup(GroupStorage.UpdateGroupSynPackage memory synPkg) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev update a group's member and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * Callback function will be called when the request is processed.
     * @param synPkg Package containing information of the group to be updated
     * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
     * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
     * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time.
    function updateGroup(
        GroupStorage.UpdateGroupSynPackage memory synPkg,
        uint256 callbackGasLimit,
        CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData
    ) external payable returns (bool);


The BucketHub contract provides the following interfaces to manage bucket on EVM-compatible chains, like BSC and opBNB, directly.

interface IBucketHub {
     * @dev  Query the contract address of bucket NFT
     * @return The contract address of bucket token
     * Each bucket will be mapped as a NFT on BSC.
     * Bucket ID and NFT token ID are the same.
    function ERC721Token() external view returns (address);

     * @dev create a bucket and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * @param synPkg Package containing information of the bucket to be created
    function createBucket(BucketStorage.CreateBucketSynPackage memory synPkg) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev create a bucket and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD.
     * Callback function will be called when the request is processed.
     * @param synPkg Package containing information of the bucket to be created
     * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
     * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
     * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time.
    function createBucket(
        BucketStorage.CreateBucketSynPackage memory synPkg,
        uint256 callbackGasLimit,
        CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData
    ) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev delete a bucket and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
     * @param id The bucket's id
    function deleteBucket(uint256 id) external payable returns (bool);

     * @dev delete a bucket and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD.
     * Callback function will be called when the request is processed.
     * @param id The bucket's id
     * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
     * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
     * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time.
    function deleteBucket(uint256 id, uint256 callbackGasLimit, CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData) external payable returns (bool);


The ObjectHub contract provides the following interfaces to manage object on EVM-compatible chains, like BSC and opBNB, directly.

interface IObjectHub {
     * @dev  Query the contract address of object NFT
     * @return The contract address of object token
     * Each object will be mapped as a NFT on BSC.
     * Object ID and NFT token ID are the same.
    function ERC721Token() external view returns (address);

    * @dev delete a object and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
    * @param id, the Id of the object
    function deleteObject(uint256 id) external payable returns (bool);
    * @dev delete a object and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
    * Callback function will be called when the request is processed
    * @param id, the Id of the object
    * @param callbackGasLimit The gas limit for callback function
    * @param extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
    * It will be reset as the `msg.sender` all the time
    function deleteObject(uint256 id, uint256 callbackGasLimit, CmnStorage.ExtraData memory extraData) external payable returns (bool);


The PermissionHub contract provides the following interfaces to manage permission on EVM-compatible chains, like BSC and opBNB, directly.

interface IPermissionHub {
  * @dev  Query the contract address of permission NFT
  * @return The contract address of permission token
  * Each permission policy will be mapped as a NFT on BSC.
  * Policy ID and NFT token ID are the same.
 function ERC721Token() external view returns (address);

  * @dev delete a policy and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
  * @param id The policy id
 function deletePolicy(uint256 id) external payable returns (bool);

  * @dev delete a policy and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
  * @param id The policy id
  * @param _extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
 function deletePolicy(uint256 id, PermissionStorage.ExtraData memory _extraData) external payable returns (bool);

  * @dev create a policy and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
  * @param data policy data encoded by protobuf
  * @param _extraData Extra data for callback function. The `appAddress` in `extraData` will be ignored.
 function createPolicy(
     bytes calldata _data,
     PermissionStorage.ExtraData memory _extraData
 ) external payable returns (bool);

  * @dev create a policy and send cross-chain request from BSC to GNFD
  * @param data policy data encoded by protobuf
 function createPolicy(bytes calldata _data) external payable returns (bool);

CallBack Handling

dApps on EVM-compatible chains, i.e. smart contracts on BSC, are allowed to implement their own logic to handle ACK and FAIL_ACK packages. The smart contracts can register callback functions to handle the ACK packages. To avoid consuming too much gas in callbacks, a gas limitation estimation should be done by the smart contracts that register the callbacks.

Errors and failures can occur during cross-chain communication. dApps on EVM-compatible chains can handle these by retrying the package with a higher gas limit, skipping the package to tolerate failure, or upgrading their contract to handle corner cases.

The following are the interfaces for dapps to handle failures:

 // retry the first failed package in the queue
 function retryPackage() external;
 // skip the first failed package in the queue
 function skipPackage() external;