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Cross-Chain Programmability

The real power of the Greenfield ecosystem lies in its platform designed not only to store the data, but also to support the creation of value based on the data assets and its related economy.

The asset traits of the data are firstly established on the permissions, e.g. the permission to read the data. When this right is disconnected from the data itself, they become tradable assets and enlarge the value of the data. This can be amplified when the data itself can be executable (a new type of “Smart Code”), interact with each other, and generate new data. This creates a lot of room to imagine building a new, data-intensive, trustless computing environment.

Moreover, the data permissions can be transferred cross-chain onto BSC and become digital assets there. This creates a variety of possibilities to integrate these assets with the existing DeFi protocols and models on BSC.

This gets even further enhanced by the smart contracts on BSC, which enjoy the same address format as accounts on the Greenfield blockchain and can be the owners of the data objects and inherit different permissions. This will unleash many new business opportunities based on the data and its operations.


It does not mean developers have to build dapp based on BSC network. Excellent infrastructure, applications, and tools can be built directly on the Greenfield network.


The Greenfield ecosystem consists of three distinct layers.

The first layer is the Cross-Chain Communication Layer, which is responsible for handling and verifying the communication packages between the BSC and the Greenfield blockchain networks. This layer serves as the backbone of the entire ecosystem, ensuring the smooth and secure transfer of information between the two platforms.

The second layer is the Resource Mirror Layer. This layer manages the resource assets defined on Greenfield, which are then mirrored onto BSC. The Resource Mirror Layer enables users to interact with these assets on BSC using smart contracts, which operate on the primitives defined by Greenfield. This layer plays a critical role in the Greenfield ecosystem, enabling seamless cross-chain asset management and more efficient resource allocation.

At the top of the Greenfield ecosystem is the Application Layer. This layer consists of smart contracts that are developed by the community on BSC, enabling them to operate the mirrored resource entities on the Resource Mirror Layer. While Greenfield itself does not offer programmability, the Application Layer can interact with Greenfield Core and other supporting infrastructures. The Application Layer represents the true power and potential of the Greenfield ecosystem. Developers are able to create and leverage a wide range of innovative and decentralized applications while benefiting from Greenfield’s robust infrastructure and cross-chain capabilities.

Cross-Chain Bridge

The native cross-chain bridge is an essential part of the Greenfield ecosystem, as it enables seamless interoperability between BSC and Greenfield. To ensure the security and integrity of the bridge, a new relayer system have been implemented for the validators of Greenfield based on an aggregated multisig scheme.

Under this system, multiple validators will collaborate to approve and execute cross-chain transactions, with each transaction requiring a certain threshold of signatures to be deemed valid. The use of an aggregated multisig scheme not only ensures greater security but also facilitates a higher bandwidth and faster bridge.

The relayer system will be continuously monitored and maintained by the validators to ensure that it is running at optimal efficiency.

More details are discussed in Cross Chain Module design.

Resource Mirror

In the context of BNB Greenfield, resource mirroring refers to the process of transferring control over objects/buckets/group stored on BNB Greenfield to a smart contract on BNB Smart Chain (BSC). When an object is mirrored, it means that the object can be managed through BSC by sending messages to Greenfield through a network of relayers, which facilitate communication and interaction between the two platforms. This allows the objects/buckets/group to be fully managed on-chain on BSC, meaning that users or other smart contracts can perform various operations and changes to the object through on-chain transactions.

Program Through EVM Contract

Most native transactions that can be performed on the Greenfield chain can also be achieved on BSC, such as creating, deleting, and updating buckets, groups, and objects. Additionally, you can bind a permission group to a bucket or object, and grant other accounts the ability to operate on buckets, objects, or groups. Due to this feature, smart contracts on BSC are also allowed to hold Greenfield resources.

The only operation that cannot be performed on BSC is object uploading, because file uploads involve off-chain interactions, which cannot be completed on-chain. However, BSC smart contracts can grant an EOA account the permission to upload files via cross-chain authorization, allowing an off-chain account to upload files on its behalf through signing.

Multi Message

A cross-chain transaction can include multiple cross-chain operations, so-called multi-message. The composite operations is assemble by a MultiMessage contract. It is important to note that the MultiMessage contract is limited to supporting existing cross-chain operations such as bucket, object, group, permission, and token cross chain transfer. It enhances these functionalities by providing aggregation capabilities to support the atomicity of composite operations.

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