Resources Mirroring with CLI¶
During the mirroring process from BNB Greenfield to BSC, the content of the file itself is not copied. This means that neither the data nor the file metadata, which is stored on the BNB Greenfield blockchain, is transferred to BSC. Consequently, there is no size limit imposed on the mirroring process since the actual file content is not duplicated.
Mirror Objects¶
Objects can be mirrored on the BSC as ERC-721 NFTs
Example command to mirror to BSC testnet:
gnfd-cmd object mirror --bucketName yourBucketName --objectName yourObjectName --destChainId 97
Example output:
mirror object succ, txHash: 0774F400EBD42FAB009A6B3C303EF8625B57AB551E0F065C546B892167938122
Then, go to BscScan and you can find out that there is a NFT transferred to you.
Mirror Buckets¶
Mirror buckets are the same procedure and mirror objects.
Example command to mirror to BSC testnet:
gnfd-cmd object mirror --bucketName yourBucketName --destChainId 97
Example output:
mirror bucket succ, txHash: 0xba1ca47a2271864b2010158b13535331301ba3289aab8e373503e91e3a41d0a7
Then, go to BscScan and you can find out that there is a NFT transferred to you.
Mirror Group¶
The members within a group, which represent permissions to specify resources, can be mirrored as ERC-1155 token.
Example command to mirror to BSC testnet:
// mirror a group as NFT to BSC, you might use group id or groupName to identidy the group
gnfd-cmd group mirror --id 1
// irror a group with group id
gnfd-cmd group mirror --groupName yourGroupName
Example output:
transaction hash: 99A749ECC3CEB8B7CF4B8132A19D1A04EF7247F8549477B6AD28CA69BD11E66A
Then, go to BscScan and you can find out that there is a NFT transferred to you.