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Cross Chain Access Control by CMD

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of data permission management using the BSC smart contract as a simple howcase of cross chain program-ability of Greenfield.


Before starting, make sure you have the following tools installed:

Please follow the readme of the above two repositories to install the tools and configure the environment.

Ensure you get an account that get funds on both BSC and Greenfield network.


In the following example, Account A(0x0fEd1aDD48b497d619EF50160f9135c6E221D5F0, stored in keyA.json) will grant Account B(0x3bD70E10D71C6E882E3C1809d26a310d793646eB, stored in keyB.json) the access to his private file through BSC contract.

Besides, you can save the password to a file and use -p to specify the password file. For example, gnfd-cmd -p password.txt ....

Before starting, please make sure you created related accounts by gnfd-cmd account import or gnfd-cmd account new and have the config.toml file in the current directory. Please note that the account should have enough balance before sending transactions to greenfield.

The content of the config.toml is as follows:

rpcAddr = ""
chainId = "greenfield_1017-1"
rpcAddr = ""
chainId = "greenfield_5600-1"
  1. Prepare environment

    $ export AccountA=0x0fEd1aDD48b497d619EF50160f9135c6E221D5F0
    $ export AccountB=0x3bD70E10D71C6E882E3C1809d26a310d793646eB
  2. Create a temporary file story.txt

    $ echo "this is a fun story" > story.txt 
  3. Create a bucket named funbucket.

    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt bucket create gnfd://funbucket
  4. Create a private object named story.txt in the bucket funbucket.

    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt object put --contentType "text/xml" --visibility private ./story.txt  gnfd://funbucket/story.txt
  5. Create a group named fungroup.

    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt group create fungroup
    create group: fungroup succ, txn hash:17B6AE2C8D30B6D6EEABEE81DB8B37CF735655E9087CB02DC98EFF1DCA9FBE3A, group id: 136 

    The console will return the id of the group, which is 136 in this case.

  6. Bind the group fungroup to the object story.txt.

    ## Example, replace the ${GroupId} with the group id you get in the previous step
    $ export GroupId=136
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt policy put --groupId ${GroupId} --actions get grn:o::funbucket/story.txt   
  7. Mirror the group to BSC network.

    ## Example, replace the ${GroupId} with the group id you get in the previous step
    ## 97 is the chainId of BSC testnet
    ## 56 is the chainId of BSC mainnet
    $ export ChainId=56
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt group mirror --destChainId ${GroupId} --id ${GroupId} 
  8. Try to access the file through AccountB.

    ## Example
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt group head-member --groupOwner ${AccountA}  ${AccountB}  fungroup
    the user does not exist in the group
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyB.json -p password.txt object get gnfd://funbucket/story.txt ./story-copy.txt
    run command error: statusCode 403 : code : AccessDenied  (Message: Access Denied)

    It turns out that AccountB is not permitted to access the file, which is expected.

  9. Clone the gnfd-contract repository and install the dependencies.

  10. Grant the access to Account B through the contract.

    export RPC_MAIN=
    $ forge script foundry-scripts/GroupHub.s.sol:GroupHubScript \
    --sig "addMember(address operator, uint256 groupId, address member)" \
    ${AccountA} ${GroupId} ${AccountB} \
    -f $RPC_MAIN \
    --private-key 148748590a8b83dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
    --legacy \
    export RPC_TEST=
    $ forge script foundry-scripts/GroupHub.s.sol:GroupHubScript \
    --sig "addMember(address operator, uint256 groupId, address member)" \
    ${AccountA} ${GroupId} ${AccountB} \
    -f $RPC_TEST\
    --private-key 148748590a8b83dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
    --legacy \
  11. Wait 30 seconds, and try to access the file through AccountB again.

    ## Example
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyA.json -p password.txt group head-member --groupOwner ${AccountA}  ${AccountB} fungroup
    the user is a member of the group
    $ gnfd-cmd -c config.toml -k keyB.json -p password.txt object get gnfd://funbucket/story.txt 
    download object story.txt successfully, the file path is ./story-copy.txt, content length:20