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Create a Full Stack dapp using Truffle and React on opBNB

In this tutorial, we’ll deploy a simple HelloWorld smart contract on opBNB and build a Web3 frontend using React to interact with the deployed smart contract, i.e., read from and write to the opBNB blockchain.

What are we building

opBNB is essentially an optimized layer-2 solution that delivers lower fees and higher throughput to unlock the full potential of the BNB Chain.

For this tutorial, we will deploy a simple HelloWorld smart contract on the opBNB network and build a frontend using Reactjs to interact with the deployed smart contract for reading and writing data onto the opBNB blockchain. The HelloWorld smart contract is a simple string variable message that will be used for storing the user-defined messages, e.g., Hello, opBNB User. The updateMessage function will be used for updating the message variable to any user-defined string value.

This smart contract will then be deployed on the opBNB network using Truffle IDE. We will then use the Reactjs boilerplate to build a front end to communicate with the smart contract. Web3.js library is used for interacting with the smart contract and reading and writing data to the opBNB blockchain. We further use Metamask for signing transactions and paying any gas costs.

This is a basic example for educational purposes, and it assumes familiarity with Truffle, React, and MetaMask.

Learning Takeaways

By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to achieve the following

  • Use Truffle IDE to spin up a project template and write, compile, and deploy a simple smart contract on the opBNB.
  • Create a front end for interacting with the deployed smart contract using ReactJS.
  • Interact with smart contracts deployed on opBNB via ReactJS frontend using Web3.js library.


Demo Step-by-Step Guide

For this tutorial, we will be using Truffle IDE to develop, compile and deploy a simple HelloWorld smart contract on the opBNB network. For building the front end, we will be using the create-react-app React boilerplate. Further, to connect our dapp to the web3 world, we will be using the Metamask wallet.

Step 1: Set up the project

  1. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.

  2. Install Truffle globally by running the following command

    npm install -g truffle
  3. Create a new directory for your project and navigate into it

    mkdir HelloWorldDapp
    cd HelloWorldDapp
  4. Initialize a new Truffle project. Create a bare Truffle project which generates the required directory structure to test and deploy contracts:

    truffle init
    Truffle creates the following directory structure for your project:
  5. Install Create React App globally by running the following command

    npm install -g create-react-app
  6. Create the React app frontend using the following command

    npx create-react-app frontend
  7. Navigate into the client directory using the following command

    cd frontend

Step#2: Install hdwallet-provider​

hdwallet-provider is a separate package that signs transactions for addresses derived from a 12 or 24-word mnemonic. By default, the hdwallet-provider uses the first address generated from the mnemonic. However, this is configurable. For more information, refer to the Truffle hdwallet-provider repository. Run the following command to install hdwallet-provider

    npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider

Step#3: Create the .env file​

  • Install the dotenv package using the following command
    npm install dotenv
MNEMONIC = "<Your-MetaMask-Secret-Recovery-Phrase>";
  • Ensure you replace the following values in the .env file
  • <Your-MetaMask-Secret-Recovery-Phrase> with the mnemonic of your MetaMask wallet. This phrase is used by the Truffle hdwallet-provider to sign transactions.

Never disclose your secret recovery phrase. Anyone with your recovery phrase can steal any assets held in your wallet.

Step#4: Create the smart contract

Inside the contracts directory, create a new file named HelloWorld.sol and add the following code

   // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
   pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

   contract HelloWorld {
       string public message;

       constructor(string memory _message) {
           message = _message;

       function updateMessage(string memory _newMessage) public {
           message = _newMessage;

Step#5: Configure Truffle for use with opBNB

  1. Open the truffle-config.js file and add the following code:

    const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
    // create a file at the root of your project and name it .env -- there you can set process variables
    // like the mnemonic etc. Note: .env is ignored by git to keep your private information safe
    const mnemonic = process.env["MNEMONIC"].toString().trim();
    module.exports = {
      networks: {
        development: {
          host: "", // Localhost (default: none)
          port: 8545, // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
          network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none)
        opBNBTestnet: {
          provider: () =>
            new HDWalletProvider(
          network_id: 5611,
          confirmations: 3,
          timeoutBlocks: 200,
          skipDryRun: true,
      // Set default mocha options here, use special reporters etc.
      mocha: {
        // timeout: 100000
      // Configure your compilers
      compilers: {
        solc: {
          version: "0.8.19",

Step#6: Deploy the smart contract on opBNB

  1. In the root directory of your project, create a new file named 1_deploy_contract.js inside the migrations directory and add the following code:

    const HelloWorld = artifacts.require("HelloWorld");
    module.exports = function (deployer) {
      deployer.deploy(HelloWorld, "Hello, World!");
  2. Deploy the smart contract to the opBNB testnet by running the following command

    truffle migrate --network opBNBTestnet


Step#7: Set up the React frontend

  1. Inside the frontend/src directory, replace the contents of the App.js file with the following code:

    import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
    import Web3 from "web3";
    import HelloWorldContract from "./contracts/HelloWorld.json";
    import "./App.css";
    function App() {
      const [contract, setContract] = useState(null);
      const [message, setMessage] = useState("");
      const [newMessage, setNewMessage] = useState("");
      const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
      useEffect(() => {
        const loadBlockchainData = async () => {
          try {
            const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
            const networkId = await;
            const deployedNetwork = HelloWorldContract.networks[networkId];
            const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(
              deployedNetwork && deployedNetwork.address
          } catch (error) {
      }, []);
      const getMessage = async () => {
        if (contract) {
          try {
            const message = await contract.methods.message().call();
          } catch (error) {
          } finally {
      const updateMessage = async () => {
        if (contract && newMessage !== "") {
          try {
            await contract.methods
              .send({ from: (await window.ethereum.enable())[0] });
          } catch (error) {
          } finally {
      return (
        <div className="App">
          <h1 className="header">HelloWorld dApp</h1>
          <div className="content">
            <div className="message">
              <h2>Current Message</h2>
              <p className="messageValue">{loading ? "Loading..." : message}</p>
              <button onClick={getMessage}>Refresh</button>
          <div className="content">
            <div className="update">
              <h2>Update Message</h2>
                placeholder="New Message"
                onChange={(e) => setNewMessage(}
              <br />
              <button onClick={updateMessage}>Update</button>
    export default App;
  2. Replace the contents of the App.css file with the following code:

    .App {
      text-align: center;
    .header {
      background-color: #f3ba2f;
      min-height: 20vh;
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      align-items: center;
      justify-content: center;
      font-size: calc(40px + 2vmin);
      color: white;
    .content {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      padding: auto;
      text-align: center;
    .update {
      padding: auto;
      margin: 20px;
    .messageValue {
      color: whitesmoke;
      font-size: large;
    .inputMessage {
      float: center;
      padding: 10px;
      width: 100%;
      font-family: "IBM Plex Sans", "Raleway", "Source Sans Pro", "Arial";
    button {
      float: center;
      margin: 1em 0;
      padding: 10px 3em;
      font-weight: bold;
      max-width: fit-content;
      font-family: "IBM Plex Sans", "Raleway", "Source Sans Pro", "Arial";
    body {
      background-color: #292929;
      color: #f3ba2f;
      align-items: center;
      font-family: "IBM Plex Sans", "Raleway", "Source Sans Pro", "Arial";
      -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
      -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

Step#8: Start the development server

  1. In the frontend directory, install the required dependencies by running the following command

    npm install
  2. Start the React development server:

    npm start
  3. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser, and you should see the HelloWorld dApp with the current message and the ability to update it.

    Make sure you have the MetaMask extension installed and set to the opBNB testnet. helloworld-opbnb-ui

  4. When you enter a new message and click the update button, if your dapp is already not connected to Metamask wallet, you will get a Metamask notification asking for permission to connect your wallet to the dapp.


  5. It will also ask for your confirmation to confirm the transaction. Proceed by clicking the confirm button.


  6. Once the transaction is confirmed, click the Refresh button to load the new message.



In this tutorial, we provided a step-by-step guide on how to develop, deploy, and interact with a smart contract on the opBNB network. We used the Truffle IDE for compiling and deploying the smart contract. We also build a React frontend to interact with the deployed smart contract, i.e., read from and write to the opBNB blockchain.