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opBNB Protocol addresses

The opBNB protocol contracts are smart contracts that enable the execution of transactions on the opBNB network. The main contracts are:

  • batchInbox: This contract receives batches of transactions from the Sequencer on L1.
  • batchSender: This contract is the authorised sender of batches to the batchInbox. It can be changed by the SystemConfig contract, which governs the parameters of the opBNB network.
  • outputProposer: This contract proposes outputs for the opBNB nodes to execute. It receives inputs from the batchInbox and other sources, and generates outputs that are consistent with the opBNB protocol rules.


Name Address
Batch Sender 0x1Fd6A75CC72f39147756A663f3eF1fc95eF89495
Batch Inbox 0xfF00000000000000000000000000000000005611
Output Proposer 0x4aE49f1f57358c13A5732cb12e656Cf8C8D986DF


Name Address
Batch Sender 0xef8783382eF80Ec23B66c43575A6103dECA909c3
Batch Inbox 0xff00000000000000000000000000000000000204
Output Proposer 0xc235c904AD9EfcABfF4628E3279994A4c0A9d591

L1 Contract Addresses


Name Description Address
L1CrossDomainMessenger responsible for facilitating cross-domain communication on Layer 1 (L1) 0x5b0c605c707979e8bDc2Ad9271A0388b3fD4Af3E
L1ERC721Bridge This contract is likely an ERC-721 bridge that enables the transfer of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) between L1 and L2 0xad39e2cfa7d8d8B6c2d56244Bfb88990EC31Bb79
L1ERC721BridgeProxy A proxy contract that may provide additional functionalities for the L1ERC721Bridge contract. 0x17e1454015bFb3377c75bE7b6d47B236fd2ddbE7
L1StandardBridge A standard bridge contract that enables the transfer of fungible tokens between L1 and L2. 0xddB9EB847971DaA82e5dbe2745C429A3B2715B46
L2OutputOracle This contract is an oracle on Layer 2 that provides output data to be used in smart contracts and applications 0xD92aEF4473093C67A7696e475858152D3b2acB7c
L2OutputOracleProxy A proxy contract related to the L2OutputOracle, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0xFf2394Bb843012562f4349C6632a0EcB92fC8810
Lib_AddressManager This contract is a library used to manage addresses for various contracts in the system. 0x4d07b9B1ffC70Fc824587573cfb6ef1Cc404AaD7
OptimismMintableERC20Factory This is a factory contract for creating mintable ERC-20 tokens on the Layer 2 network. 0x1AD11eA5426bA3A11c0bA8c4B89fd1BCa732025E
OptimismMintableERC20FactoryProxy A proxy contract related to the OptimismMintableERC20Factory, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x182cE4305791744202BB4F802C155B94cb66163B
OptimismPortal This contract serves as a portal or gateway for interacting with the Optimism Layer 2 network. 0x2d5D7bEe8ebEf17DE14dd6ADAE8271507994a6E0
OptimismPortalProxy A proxy contract related to the OptimismPortal, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x4386C8ABf2009aC0c263462Da568DD9d46e52a31
PortalSender This contract is involved in sending data or messages to a portal or gateway on the L1. 0x02B668393Bc41415Dbb973C9dC144fDD42B8fA2D
ProxyAdmin This contract is responsible for managing proxy contracts, allowing for upgrades and access control. 0xE4925bD8Ac30b2d4e2bD7b8Ba495a5c92d4c5156
Proxy__OVM_L1CrossDomainMessenger This contract is a proxy for the L1CrossDomainMessenger contract on the Layer 2, enabling interaction with the Layer 2 contract from Layer 1. 0xD506952e78eeCd5d4424B1990a0c99B1568E7c2C
Proxy__OVM_L1StandardBridge This is a proxy for the L1StandardBridge contract on the Layer 2 network, allowing interaction with the Layer 2 bridge from Layer 1. 0x677311Fd2cCc511Bbc0f581E8d9a07B033D5E840
SystemConfig This contract is responsible for managing system configurations, settings, or parameters in the protocol. 0x8Fc086Ec0ac912D5101Fec3E9ac6D910eBD5b611
SystemConfigProxy A proxy contract related to the SystemConfig contract, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x406aC857817708eAf4ca3A82317eF4ae3D1EA23B
SystemDictator This contract has a role in managing or governing certain aspects of the system or protocol. 0x281cc8F04AE5bb873bADc3D89059423E4c664834
SystemDictatorProxy A proxy contract related to the SystemDictator contract, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0xB9Edfded1254ca07085920Af22BeCE0ce905F2AB


Name Description Address
L1CrossDomainMessenger responsible for facilitating cross-domain communication on Layer 1 (L1) 0x09525eB7eEd671582dDc6f02f8D9082cbd55A606
L1ERC721Bridge This contract is likely an ERC-721 bridge that enables the transfer of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) between L1 and L2 0xCB4CD5B74A2f2D75076Fb097Da70cEF5FEaC0428
L1ERC721BridgeProxy A proxy contract that may provide additional functionalities for the L1ERC721Bridge contract. 0xC7c796D3B712ad223Bc29Bf85E6cdD3045D998C4
L1StandardBridge A standard bridge contract that enables the transfer of fungible tokens between L1 and L2. 0x6df37de57D50eC5a0600510eB8F563F538BDc403
L2OutputOracle This contract is an oracle on Layer 2 that provides output data to be used in smart contracts and applications 0x0d61A015BAeF63f6740afF8294dAc278A494f6fA
L2OutputOracleProxy A proxy contract related to the L2OutputOracle, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x153CAB79f4767E2ff862C94aa49573294B13D169
Lib_AddressManager This contract is a library used to manage addresses for various contracts in the system. 0x29cfb9A803589Ff5C37f955ead83b45311F15b12
OptimismMintableERC20Factory This is a factory contract for creating mintable ERC-20 tokens on the Layer 2 network. 0x6560F2822c9dFb9801F5E9A7c7CE1564c8c2b461
OptimismMintableERC20FactoryProxy A proxy contract related to the OptimismMintableERC20Factory, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0xAa53ddCDC64A53F65A5f570cc13eB13529d780f1
OptimismPortal This contract serves as a portal or gateway for interacting with the Optimism Layer 2 network. 0x7e2419F79c9546B9A0E292Fd36aC5005ffed5495
OptimismPortalProxy A proxy contract related to the OptimismPortal, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x1876EA7702C0ad0C6A2ae6036DE7733edfBca519
PortalSender This contract is involved in sending data or messages to a portal or gateway on the L1. 0xEDa034A4B7806e1283e99F8522eFd08d855B9b72
ProxyAdmin This contract is responsible for managing proxy contracts, allowing for upgrades and access control. 0x27a591Ec09AAfEEb39d7533AEf7C64E0305D1576
Proxy__OVM_L1CrossDomainMessenger This contract is a proxy for the L1CrossDomainMessenger contract on the Layer 2, enabling interaction with the Layer 2 contract from Layer 1. 0xd95D508f13f7029CCF0fb61984d5dfD11b879c4f
Proxy__OVM_L1StandardBridge This is a proxy for the L1StandardBridge contract on the Layer 2 network, allowing interaction with the Layer 2 bridge from Layer 1. 0xF05F0e4362859c3331Cb9395CBC201E3Fa6757Ea
SystemConfig This contract is responsible for managing system configurations, settings, or parameters in the protocol. 0x0be96fcB5eCCA87c775344fB76A3A1C6146cA5Fd
SystemConfigProxy A proxy contract related to the SystemConfig contract, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0x7AC836148C14c74086D57F7828F2D065672Db3B8
SystemDictator This contract has a role in managing or governing certain aspects of the system or protocol. 0x0744F61646DdE7Bc2d2c18B13D08a8fba597666b
SystemDictatorProxy A proxy contract related to the SystemDictator contract, providing an interface or additional functionality. 0xEb23CCD85eF040BdAf3CBf962C816cD9Cb691F35

L2 Contract Addresses

Name Description Address
WBNB This contract represents Wrapped BNB, a token that is pegged to BNB on the opBNB network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006
L2CrossDomainMessenger This contract is responsible for facilitating cross-domain communication on Layer 2 of the opBNB network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000007
L2StandardBridge This contract is a standard bridge on Layer 2, enabling the transfer of fungible tokens between different chains or networks. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000010
SequencerFeeVault This contract serves as a vault for collecting fees from sequencers, who are responsible for submitting transactions on opBNB. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000011
OptimismMintableERC20Factory This is a factory contract for creating mintable ERC-20 tokens on the Layer 2 network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000012
GasPriceOracle This contract may provide gas price data to be used in transactions and fee calculations on the opBNB network. 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000000F
L1Block This contract represents a block on Layer 1 in the context of interacting with opBNB. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000015
L2ToL1MessagePasser This contract is responsible for passing messages from Layer 2 to Layer 1 on the opBNB network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000016
L2ERC721Bridge This contract is a bridge for transferring ERC-721 non-fungible tokens on Layer 2. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000014
OptimismMintableERC721Factory This is a factory contract for creating mintable ERC-721 tokens on the Layer 2 network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000017
ProxyAdmin This contract is responsible for managing proxy contracts on the opBNB network, allowing for upgrades and access control. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000018
BaseFeeVault This contract acts as a vault for collecting base fees on the opBNB network. 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000019
L1FeeVault This contract serves as a vault for collecting fees on Layer 1 in the context of interacting with opBNB. 0x420000000000000000000000000000000000001a

