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JSON-RPC endpoints refers to the network location where a program could transfer its RPC requests to access server data. Once you connect a decentralized application to an RPC endpoint, you can access the functionalities of different operations, which could enable real-time usage of blockchain data. BNB Chain provides several RPC endpoints for connectinto both its Minent and Testnet. In this section, we list the JSON-RPC endpoints that can be used for connecting to BNB Smart Chain.

One-click adding BSC network

Visit the ChainList and connect to your wallet, it will add alive RPC endpoints.

RPC Endpoints for BNB Smart Chain

The rate limit of BSC endpoint on Testnet and Mainnet is 10K/5min.

eth_getLogs is disabled on below Mainnet endpoints, please use 3rd party endpoints from here. If you need to pull logs frequently, we recommend using WebSockets to push new logs to you when they are available.

BSC Mainnet (ChainID 0x38, 56 in decimal)

You could find more endpoints from here.

BSC Testnet (ChainID 0x61, 97 in decimal)

RPC Providers


You can start the HTTP JSON-RPC with the –http flag

## mainnet
geth attach

## testnet
geth attach


BSC (BNB Smart Chain) is EVM-compatible and strives to be as compatible as possible with the Go-Ethereum API. However, BSC also has unique features, such as faster finality and the storage of blob data on the execution layer, which require their own specialized APIs.

Geth(Go-Ethereum) API

BSC is nearly fully compatible with the Geth APIs. Any exceptions or incompatibilities are explicitly listed. If you’re looking for detailed usage of a specific API, you will most likely find the answer in the following link:

Geth JSON-RPC API documentation.


Ethereum’s PoS consensus protocol, known as “Gasper,” is built on LMD-GHOST (a fork choice rule) and Casper FFG (a finality gadget). Similarly, BSC’s consensus protocol, called “Parlia,” is constructed on top of a difficulty-based fork choice mechanism with FFG, as described in BEP-126. To further enhance BSC’s throughput, validators are allowed to produce multiple consecutive blocks, as explained in BEP-341. These differences result in BSC having a unique finality process compared to Ethereum. For more details, please refer to the the following doc:

BSC Finality API.


Bsc implement EIP-4844, which support Shard Blob Transactions, as described in BEP-336. For more details, please refer to the the following doc: BSC Blob API.


Bsc implement some others apis, as described in: BSC API.