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BSC Erigon Node Deployment Guide

BSC Erigon, maintained by the Node Real team, is a fork of Erigon aimed at becoming the premier archive node implementation for the BSC network.

Hardware Requirements

To ensure optimal performance of your BSC Erigon node, we recommend the following hardware specifications:

  • RAM: 64GB or more (higher RAM correlates with better performance)
  • Storage: SSD or NVMe
    • Archive Node: Minimum 5TB
    • Fast Node: Minimum 700GB

BSC Erigon Node Deployment Steps

1. Obtain the Erigon Binary

Option 1: Build from source

git clone
cd bsc-erigon
make erigon
Option 2: Use Docker image
docker pull${latest_version}

2. Launch the Erigon Node

By default, the node will run in archive mode. Syncing from scratch typically takes about 3 days.

./build/bin/erigon \
--datadir="<your_data_directory_path>" \
--chain=bsc \
--port=30303 \
--http.port=8545 \
--authrpc.port=8551 \
--torrent.port=42069 \
--private.api.addr= \
--http --ws \
Note: To avoid port conflicts, specify different ports for each chain if running multiple instances.

3. Running a Fast Node (Non-Archive Mode)

Add the –prune.mode=minimal flag to start a fast node. This mode retains only the last 3 days of state and block data, supporting debug_trace* operations for the past 3 days.

If you prefer not to spend days syncing, you can obtain fast node snapshots from community-maintained repositories.

By following these steps, you can flexibly deploy either a full BSC Erigon node or a fast node based on your requirements. Whichever option you choose, BSC Erigon will provide you with an efficient and reliable node service.