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BSC Governance Temperature Check


BNB Chain governance involves a two-step process: temperature check and final decision voting. The temperature check, typically conducted through the Snapshot platform, allows any BNB holder to gauge community sentiment on a proposal. If the proposal receives enough support, it proceeds to the final decision voting phase. This phase often involves on-chain voting by validators or those with staked BNB, and the outcome determines whether the proposal is implemented or rejected.

Submit a Proposal


Anyone who staked more than 1BNB can create proposals.

Step 1: Head to the space which you wish to create your proposal for.

Connect with the wallet provider - make sure the connected wallet is where you delegate BNB


Step 2: Click New proposal in space sidebar

Fill in the following fields: - Title - Description - Discussion link

Step 3: Select the desired voting system, specify the possible vote options, and define the duration of your proposal. Make sure you allow enough time for users to vote.

Step 4: Click Publish - and you can see your proposal in the proposals list on the space page.


Vote on a Proposal


All BNBChain delegators can vote for proposals.

Step 1: Log in to voting space URL:

Step 2: Go to the snapshot link of the proposal. For example, in this case, a community member created a voting proposal for BEP-341.


Step 3: Connect your wallet and vote

After you connect your wallet, make sure to use the same address of your BNB Staking. And choose the voting option.


Delegate Voting Power


Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Enter the address you want to delegate to.

Step 3: Click Confirm to save your delegation.

Undelegate Voting Power

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Find the current delegatees in Top delegates.

Step 3: Click the ‘x’ button along a delegatee to undelegate, the wallet will ask user to sign and send transaction to bsc