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Signature is the evidence to prove the sender owns the transaction. It will be created from the actions outlined below:

  1. Compose a data structure. please note msgs, memo, source, data are the same as in the above payload.

    - `chain_id`: a string, unique ID for the Chain, it stays the same for most time, but may vary as BNB Beacon Chain  evolves;
    - `account_number`: a string for a 64-bit integer, an identifier number associated with the signing address
    - `sequence`: a string for a a 64-bit integer, please check [accounts](/docs/beaconchain/learn/accounts)
    - `memo`: a string, a short sentence of remark for the transaction
    - `msgs`: a byte array, **json encoded** transaction messages, please check the [encoding](/docs/beaconchain/learn/encoding/) doc.
    - `source`: a string for a 64 bits integer, which is an identifier for transaction incoming tools
    - `data`: byte array, reserved for future use

    Here is an example in go-sdk:

    // StdSignMsg def
    type StdSignMsg struct {
    ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
    AccountNumber int64 `json:"account_number"`
    Sequence int64 `json:"sequence"`
    Msgs []msg.Msg `json:"msgs"`
    Memo string `json:"memo"`
    Source int64 `json:"source"`
    Data []byte `json:"data"`
  2. Encode the above data structure in json, with ordered key, Specifically:

    • Maps have their keys sorted lexicographically
    • Structs keys are marshalled in the order defined in the struct
  1. Sign SHA256 of the encoded byte array, to create an ECDSA signature on curve Secp256k1 and serialize the R and S result into a 64-byte array. (both R and S are encoded into 32-byte big endian integers, and then R is put into the first 32 bytes and S are put into the last 32 bytes of the byte array. In order to break S 's malleability, S set to curve.Order() - S if S > curnve.Order()/2.)

The signature will be encoded together with transaction message and sent as payload to BNB Beacon Chain node via RPC or http REST API, as described in the above section.