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Create Validator

Requirements and Responsibility​

To become a validator, you'll need to

  1. Send a create-validator-open transaction to declare the candidacy. The minimal self-delegation asset amount is 10000 BNB.
  2. Make users delegate on your validator. All the validators will be ranked by their accumulated BNB stake amount. There is an on-chain parameter MaxValidators. Only the validator candidates whose rank meets the requirement can be elected.
  3. Run a full node to help produce blocks on BC.

Become a Validator Candidate​

You will need BNB Beacon Chain CLI for the commands.

Step1: Generate Consensus Key​

Use the command below to generate a consensus key. It will be used in the full node to sign the consensus message if the validator gets bonded.

$ bnbcli utils gen-consensus-key
The consensus key has been generated and saved to ./priv_validator_key.json successfully
The consensus pubkey is bcap1zcjduepqg6glk780f4ynvjjk82drnycty7zjl0uz79a6h2depnhavshvg39sm0c5tl

Step2: Send Create Validator Transaction​

Create or recover an account, make sure the account gets more than 10000 BNB.

$ bnbcli keys add your_key_name

$ bnbcli keys add your_key_name --recover

Send create-validator-open transaction to declare the candidacy.

# Command for create validator on mainnet  
$ bnbcli staking create-validator-open \
--address-delegator {wallet address on BC} \
--amount 10000000000:BNB \
--pubkey {the concensus pubkey created in step 1} \
--commission-rate {10000000 represent 10%} \
--commission-max-rate {20000000 represent 20%} \
--commission-max-change-rate {5000000 represent 5%} \
--moniker {validator name} \
--details {validator detailed description} \
--identity {keybase identity} \
--website {website for validator} \
--from {key name} \
--chain-id Binance-Chain-Tigris \

# Query validators
./bnbcli staking validators --chain-id Binance-Chain-Tigris --node

# Command for create validator on testnet
$ tbnbcli staking create-validator-open \
--address-delegator {wallet address on BC} \
--amount 10000000000:BNB \
--pubkey {the concensus pubkey created in step 1} \
--commission-rate {10000000 represent 10%} \
--commission-max-rate {20000000 represent 20%} \
--commission-max-change-rate {1000000 represent 1%} \
--moniker {validator name} \
--details {validator detailed description} \
--identity {keybase identity} \
--website {website for validator} \
--from {key name} \
--chain-id Binance-Chain-Ganges \

## Query validators on testnet
./tbnbcli staking validators --chain-id Binance-Chain-Ganges --node=