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Issue BEP20 Tokens

This document provides a brief walk through on how to issue BEP20 tokens on the BNB Smart Chain. For this tutorial we have used Remix IDE and Metamask Wallet. Further, in this guide, we provide steps for issuing BEP20 tokens on the BSC Testnet, however, the steps for mainnet are also the same.

Compile and Deploy BEP20 Contract​

  1. Navigate to Remix IDE


  1. Create a new workspace


  1. Choose Blank Template and an appropriate name for the workspace, then click "Ok".


  1. Create new contract file, by clicking on the image icon in the file explorer section. Name the file as BEP20Token.sol

  2. Copy contract code from the bep20 token template here and paste it into your BEP20Token.sol file.

  3. Modify name, symbol, decimals and totalSupply according to your requirements.

    string public name = "MyBEP20Token";
string public symbol = "MBT";
uint8 public decimals = 18;
uint256 public _totalSupply = 100;
  1. Compile the BEP20 token contract

    a. Step1: Click on the Compile button to switch to compile page

    b. Step2: Select the latest Solidity compiler version

    c. Step3: Enable Auto compile and Optimization

    d. Step4: Click ABI to copy the contract ABI and save it.


  1. Deploy the contract to BSC

    a. Step1: Click the Deploy button to switch to deploy page

    b. Step2: Select Injected Web3

    c. Step3: Select BEP20Token

    d. Step4: Click on the Deploy button and your wallet will pop up

    e. Client Confirm button to sign and broadcast transaction to BSC.


  1. You can view the details of your deployed smart contract in the BSC Scan block explorer.