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Jailed validator nodes due to their malicious or bad behavior, may request for release by sending side-unjail transactions provided they passed initial validation. After release, to re-join the validator set again, the validator must wait for the following UTC 0:00. The fees to unjail a smart contract validator is 1 BNB. Whereas, the fee for submitting a byzantine behavior evidence of a validator is 10 BNB.

Transaction Validation​

  • Validator address must not be empty.
  • The side chain id exists.
  • Self-delegation of the validator exists and must be greater than the min-self-delegation setting by 2,000 BNB.
  • Requestor is in 'jailed' state when requesting to be un-jailed.
  • Complete the required jailed term.

Fee Table​

Transaction TypePay in BNB
Unjail A Smart Chain Validator1
Submit Byzaitine Behavior Evidence of A Smart Chain Validator10

Command to get Unjailed​

bnbcli slashing side-unjail 
\--from= {this address has to be the operator address of the validator to be unjailed.
Name or address of private key with which to sign}
\--side-chain-id= {chain-id of the side chain the validator belongs to}
\--chain-id= {the chain id of BNB Chain}
Parameter NameExampleExplanationRequired
--chain-idBinance-Chain-XXXthe chain id of binance chainYes
--frombnb19awsmku5ch689lp0rj0c6su7x0n5wxhjm65hddThis address has to be the operator address of the validator to be unjailed. Name or address of private key with which to sign.Yes
--side-chain-idBSC-XXXchain-id of the side chain the validator belongs toYes


bnbcli slashing side-unjail --from bnb19awsmku5ch689lp0rj0c6su7x0n5wxhjm65hdd --side-chain-id=bsc --chain-id=Binance-Chain-Tigris --home ~/home\_cli