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Gas and Fees

This document describes how Greenfield charge fee to different transaction types and the token economics of BNB Greenfield.

Introduction to Gas and Fees

In the Cosmos SDK, gas unit is designated to track resource consumption during execution.

On application-specific blockchains such as Greenfield, computational cost of storage is no longer the main factor in determining transaction fees, but rather, it is the incentive mechanism of Greenfield. For instance, creating and deleting a storage object use similar I/O and computational resources, but Greenfield encourages users to delete unused storage objects to optimize storage space, resulting in lower transaction fees.

Greenfield Blockchain has taken a different approach from the gas meter design in Cosmos SDK. Instead, it has redesigned the gashub module to calculate gas consumption based on the type and content of the transaction, rather than just the consumption of storage and computational resources.

Unlike networks like Ethereum, Greenfield transactions do not feature a gas price field. Instead, they consist of a fee and a gas-wanted field. The gas price is inferred during the transaction pre-execution process by fee/gas-wanted, and the transactions are queued based on the gas price, besides that the gas price should not be less than the minimum gas price on Greenfield: 5gwei.


This means that Greenfield does not refund any excess gas fees to the transaction sender. Therefore, when constructing transactions, it is important to exercise caution when specifying the fees.


All transaction types need to register their gas calculation logic to gashub. Currently, four types of calculation logic are supported:


type MsgGasParams_FixedType struct {
FixedType *MsgGasParams_FixedGasParams


type MsgGasParams_GrantType struct {
GrantType *MsgGasParams_DynamicGasParams


type MsgGasParams_MultiSendType struct {
MultiSendType *MsgGasParams_DynamicGasParams


type MsgGasParams_GrantAllowanceType struct {
GrantAllowanceType *MsgGasParams_DynamicGasParams

Block Gas Meter

ctx.BlockGasMeter() serves as the gas meter designed to monitor and restrict gas consumption per block.

However, certain types of transactions may incur a high cost in Greenfield, leading to significant gas consumption. Consequently, Greenfield refrains from imposing any gas usage constraints on a block. Instead, Greenfield sets a block size limit, preventing blocks from exceeding 1MB in size and mitigating the risk of excessively large blocks.


There is no gas limitation of a block on Greenfield Blockchain.

Fee Table

Please note that the gas fee can be updated through governance and may not be immediately reflected in this documentation.

Msg TypeGas UsedGas PriceExpected Fee(assuming BNB $200)
/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/ gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.consensus.v1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.crisis.v1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.crosschain.v1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.crosschain.v1.MsgUpdateChannelPermissions05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.gashub.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/ gwei$0.00000000
/ gwei$0.00000000
/ gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/greenfield.bridge.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/greenfield.sp.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/ gwei$0.00000000
/greenfield.payment.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/greenfield.challenge.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/greenfield.permission.MsgUpdateParams05 gwei$0.00000000
/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke12005 gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance12005 gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$2.00000000
/ gwei$2.00000000
/ gwei$2.00000000
/ gwei$0.00100000
/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCancelUnbondingDelegation12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator20000005 gwei$2.00000000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate12005 gwei$0.00120000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator20000005 gwei$2.00000000
/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.bridge.MsgTransferOut12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.sp.MsgCreateStorageProvider20000005 gwei$2.00000000
/greenfield.sp.MsgDeposit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.sp.MsgEditStorageProvider20000005 gwei$2.00000000
/greenfield.sp.MsgUpdateSpStoragePrice20000005 gwei$2.00000000
/greenfield.sp.MsgUpdateStorageProviderStatus12005 gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00240000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00012000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.01200000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00240000
/ gwei$0.00240000
/ gwei$0.00240000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00240000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/ gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.payment.MsgCreatePaymentAccount2000005 gwei$0.20000000
/greenfield.payment.MsgDeposit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.payment.MsgWithdraw12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.payment.MsgDisableRefund12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.challenge.MsgSubmit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.challenge.MsgAttest1005 gwei$0.00010000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCreateGlobalVirtualGroup10000005 gwei$1.00000000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgDeleteGlobalVirtualGroup12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgDeposit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgWithdraw12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgSettle12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgSwapOut240005 gwei$0.02400000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCompleteSwapOut240005 gwei$0.02400000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCancelSwapOut12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgReserveSwapIn12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCancelSwapIn12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCompleteSwapIn12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgStorageProviderExit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgStorageProviderForcedExit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgCompleteStorageProviderExit12005 gwei$0.00120000
/greenfield.virtualgroup.MsgUpdateParams12005 gwei$0.00120000
cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant800 + 800 per item5 gwei$0.0008 per item + 800 per item5 gwei$0.0008 per item
cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance800 + 800 per item5 gwei$0.0008 per item

For more details, you can refer to Greenfield Gas Params.

Usage of BNB Token on BNB Greenfield

BNB remains the main utility token on Greenfield. BNB can be transferred from BSC to Greenfield blockchain, and vice versa. It is used as:

  • Staking token: This token allows user to self-delegate and delegate as stake, which can earn gas rewards but may result in slash for improper behavior.
  • Gas token: This token is used to pay the gas to submit transactions on the Greenfield blockchain. This includes both Greenfield local transactions or cross-chain transactions between Greenfield and BSC. The fee is charged at the time of transaction submission and dispatched to Greenfield validators, and potentially to Greenfield Storage Providers for certain transactions. The fee distribution is done in-protocol and a protocol specification is described here.
  • Storage service fee token: This token is used to pay fees for object storage and download bandwidth data package. Fees are charged as time goes on and dispatched to Greenfield Storage Providers.
  • Governance token: BNB holders may govern the Greenfield by voting on proposals with their staked BNB (not available at launch).

Revenue Sharing

The main economic drive of Greenfield comes from their storage providers who charge users fees for their storage services. Meanwhile, validators play a crucial role in supervising the network's security, maintaining stability and ensuring service quality. While validators may earn transaction fees, this alone may not be enough to guarantee sufficient staking for network security. Therefore, Greenfield has designed validators to receive a reasonable proportion of fees from the storage services they provide. This approach ensures that users' data is not only stored but that the network is also safe and secure.

Circulation Model

In Greenfield, there is no inflation of BNB because of its dual-chain structure. Instead, cross-chain transfers are used to allow BNB to flow bi-directionally between Greenfield and Smart Chain. As a result, the total circulation of BNB on Greenfield can fluctuate.

Greenfield use Lock/Unlock mechanism to ensure the total circulation of BNB on both chain is always less than the initial total supply:

  1. The transfer-out blockchain will lock the amount from source owner addresses into a module account or smart contract.

  2. The transfer-in blockchain will unlock the amount from module account or contract and send it to target addresses.

  3. Both networks will never mint BNB.

Refer to cross chain model to get more details about the mechanism.

Genesis Setup

BNB is transferred from BSC to Greenfield as the first cross-chain action. The initial validator set and storage provider of Greenfield at the genesis will first lock a certain amount of BNB into the "Greenfield Token Hub" contract on BSC. This contract is used as part of the native bridge for BNB transferring after the genesis. These initial locked BNB will be used as the self-stake of validators, the deposit of storage provider and early days gas fees.

The initial BNB allocation on greenfield is around 500K BNB.


No initial donors, foundation, or company will get funds in the genesis setup.

No token inflation.