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Proto Definition

GfSp framework uses protobuf to define structured data which is language-neutral, platform-neutral and extensible mechanism for serializing data. This section will display used protobuf definition in GfSp code.

GfSpTask Proto

Tasks in GfSp uses proto to describe themselves.

message GfSpTask {
string address = 1;
int64 create_time = 2;
int64 update_time = 3;
int64 timeout = 4;
int32 task_priority = 5;
int64 retry = 6;
int64 max_retry = 7;
string user_address = 8;
string logs = 9;
base.types.gfsperrors.GfSpError err = 10;

GfSpCreateBucketApprovalTask Proto

message GfSpCreateBucketApprovalTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; create_bucket_info = 2;

GfSpMigrateBucketApprovalTask Proto

message GfSpMigrateBucketApprovalTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; migrate_bucket_info = 2;

GfSpCreateObjectApprovalTask Proto

message GfSpCreateObjectApprovalTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; create_object_info = 2;

GfSpDelegateCreateObjectApprovalTask Proto

message GfSpDelegateCreateObjectApprovalTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; delegate_create_object = 2;
bytes fingerprint = 3;

GfSpReplicatePieceApprovalTask Proto

message GfSpReplicatePieceApprovalTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
string ask_sp_operator_address = 4;
bytes ask_signature = 5;
string approved_sp_endpoint = 6;
string approved_sp_operator_address = 7;
bytes approved_signature = 8;
string approved_sp_approval_address = 9;
uint64 expired_height = 10;

GfSpUploadObjectTask Proto

message GfSpUploadObjectTask {
GfSpTask task = 1;
uint32 virtual_group_family_id = 2; object_info = 3; storage_params = 4;
bool is_agent_upload = 5;

GfSpResumableUploadObjectTask Proto

message GfSpResumableUploadObjectTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
uint64 offset = 4;
uint64 length = 5;
bool completed = 6;
uint32 virtual_group_family_id = 7;
bool is_agent_upload = 8;

GfSpReplicatePieceTask Proto

message GfSpReplicatePieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
repeated string secondary_addresses = 4;
repeated bytes secondary_signatures = 5;
bool sealed = 6;
uint32 global_virtual_group_id = 7;
repeated string secondary_endpoints = 8;
int32 not_available_sp_idx = 9;
bool is_agent_upload_task = 10;

GfSpRecoverPieceTask Proto

message GfSpRecoverPieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
uint32 segment_idx = 5;
int32 ec_idx = 6;
uint64 piece_size = 7;
bytes signature = 8;
bool recovered = 9;
bool finished = 10;
uint32 global_virtual_group_id = 11;
bool bucket_migration = 12;
bool is_agent_upload_task = 13;

GfSpReceivePieceTask Proto

message GfSpReceivePieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
uint32 segment_idx = 4;
int32 redundancy_idx = 5;
int64 piece_size = 6;
bytes piece_checksum = 7;
bytes signature = 8;
bool sealed = 9;
bool finished = 10;
uint32 global_virtual_group_id = 11;
bool bucket_migration = 12;

GfSpSealObjectTask Proto

message GfSpSealObjectTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
repeated string secondary_addresses = 4;
repeated bytes secondary_signatures = 5;
uint32 global_virtual_group_id = 6;
repeated string secondary_endpoints = 7;
bool is_agent_upload_task = 8;

GfSpDownloadObjectTask Proto

message GfSpDownloadObjectTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; bucket_info = 3; storage_params = 4;
int64 low = 5;
int64 high = 6;

GfSpDownloadPieceTask Proto

message GfSpDownloadPieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; bucket_info = 3; storage_params = 4;
bool enable_check = 5; // check read quota, only in first piece
uint64 total_size = 6;
string piece_key = 7;
uint64 piece_offset = 8;
uint64 piece_length = 9;

GfSpChallengePieceTask Proto

message GfSpChallengePieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; bucket_info = 3; storage_params = 4;
uint32 segment_idx = 5;
int32 redundancy_idx = 6;
bytes integrity_hash = 7;
repeated bytes piece_hash = 8;
int64 piece_data_size = 9;

GfSpGCObjectTask Proto

message GfSpGCObjectTask {
GfSpTask task = 1;
uint64 start_block_number = 2;
uint64 end_block_number = 3;
uint64 current_block_number = 4;
uint64 last_deleted_object_id = 5;
bool running = 6;

GfSpGCZombiePieceTask Proto

message GfSpGCZombiePieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1;
uint64 object_id = 2;
uint64 delete_count = 3;
bool running = 4;

GfSpGCMetaTask Proto

message GfSpGCMetaTask {
GfSpTask task = 1;
uint64 current_idx = 2;
uint64 delete_count = 3;
bool running = 4;

GfSpMigrateGVGTask Proto

message GfSpMigrateGVGTask {
GfSpTask task = 1;
uint64 bucket_id = 2;
greenfield.virtualgroup.GlobalVirtualGroup src_gvg = 3;
greenfield.virtualgroup.GlobalVirtualGroup dest_gvg = 4;
int32 redundancy_idx = 5;
greenfield.sp.StorageProvider src_sp = 6;
uint64 last_migrated_object_id = 7;
bool finished = 8;

GfSpMigratePieceTask Proto

message GfSpMigratePieceTask {
GfSpTask task = 1; object_info = 2; storage_params = 3;
string src_sp_endpoint = 4;
uint32 segment_idx = 5;
int32 redundancy_idx = 6;
bytes signature = 7;

Greenfield Proto

Some structured data used in GfSp is deinfed in Greenfield chain repo, we display them as follows.

MsgCreateBucket Proto

message MsgCreateBucket {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "creator";

// creator defines the account address of bucket creator, it is also the bucket owner.
string creator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// bucket_name defines a globally unique name of bucket
string bucket_name = 2;

// visibility means the bucket is private or public. if private, only bucket owner or grantee can read it,
// otherwise every greenfield user can read it.
VisibilityType visibility = 3;

// payment_address defines an account address specified by bucket owner to pay the read fee. Default: creator
string payment_address = 4 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// primary_sp_address defines the address of primary sp.
string primary_sp_address = 5 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// primary_sp_approval defines the approval info of the primary SP which indicates that primary sp confirm the user's request.
common.Approval primary_sp_approval = 6;

// charged_read_quota defines the read data that users are charged for, measured in bytes.
// The available read data for each user is the sum of the free read data provided by SP and
// the ChargeReadQuota specified here.
uint64 charged_read_quota = 7;

MsgMigrateBucket Proto

message MsgMigrateBucket {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";

// operator defines the account address of the operator who initial the migrate bucket
string operator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket that need to be migrated
string bucket_name = 2;
// dst_primary_sp_id defines the destination SP for migration
uint32 dst_primary_sp_id = 3;
// dst_primary_sp_approval defines the approval of destination sp
common.Approval dst_primary_sp_approval = 4;

MsgCreateObject Proto

message MsgCreateObject {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "creator";

// creator defines the account address of object uploader
string creator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket where the object is stored.
string bucket_name = 2;

// object_name defines the name of object
string object_name = 3;

// payload_size defines size of the object's payload
uint64 payload_size = 4;

// visibility means the object is private or public. if private, only object owner or grantee can access it,
// otherwise every greenfield user can access it.
VisibilityType visibility = 5;

// content_type defines a standard MIME type describing the format of the object.
string content_type = 6;

// primary_sp_approval defines the approval info of the primary SP which indicates that primary sp confirm the user's request.
common.Approval primary_sp_approval = 7;

// expect_checksums defines a list of hashes which was generate by redundancy algorithm.
repeated bytes expect_checksums = 8;

// redundancy_type can be ec or replica
RedundancyType redundancy_type = 9;

BucketInfo Proto

message BucketInfo {
// owner is the account address of bucket creator, it is also the bucket owner.
string owner = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// bucket_name is a globally unique name of bucket
string bucket_name = 2;
// visibility defines the highest permissions for bucket. When a bucket is public, everyone can get storage objects in it.
VisibilityType visibility = 3;
// id is the unique identification for bucket.
string id = 4 [
(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Uint",
(gogoproto.customtype) = "Uint",
(gogoproto.nullable) = false
// source_type defines which chain the user should send the bucket management transactions to
SourceType source_type = 5;
// create_at define the block timestamp when the bucket created.
int64 create_at = 6;
// payment_address is the address of the payment account
string payment_address = 7 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// global_virtual_group_family_id defines the unique id of gvg family
uint32 global_virtual_group_family_id = 8;
// charged_read_quota defines the traffic quota for read in bytes per month.
// The available read data for each user is the sum of the free read data provided by SP and
// the ChargeReadQuota specified here.
uint64 charged_read_quota = 9;
// bucket_status define the status of the bucket.
BucketStatus bucket_status = 10;

ObjectInfo Proto

message ObjectInfo {
// owner is the object owner
string owner = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// creator is the address of the uploader, it always be same as owner address
string creator = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// bucket_name is the name of the bucket
string bucket_name = 3;
// object_name is the name of object
string object_name = 4;
// id is the unique identifier of object
string id = 5 [
(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Uint",
(gogoproto.customtype) = "Uint",
(gogoproto.nullable) = false
uint32 local_virtual_group_id = 6;
// payloadSize is the total size of the object payload
uint64 payload_size = 7;
// visibility defines the highest permissions for object. When an object is public, everyone can access it.
VisibilityType visibility = 8;
// content_type define the format of the object which should be a standard MIME type.
string content_type = 9;
// create_at define the block timestamp when the object is created
int64 create_at = 10;
// object_status define the upload status of the object.
ObjectStatus object_status = 11;
// redundancy_type define the type of the redundancy which can be multi-replication or EC.
RedundancyType redundancy_type = 12;
// source_type define the source of the object.
SourceType source_type = 13;
// checksums define the root hash of the pieces which stored in a SP.
// add omit tag to omit the field when converting to NFT metadata
repeated bytes checksums = 14 [(gogoproto.moretags) = "traits:\"omit\""];

Params Proto

Params defines the parameters for the module.

message Params {
option (gogoproto.goproto_stringer) = false;
VersionedParams versioned_params = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];

// max_payload_size is the maximum size of the payload, default: 2G
uint64 max_payload_size = 2;
// relayer fee for the mirror bucket tx
string mirror_bucket_relayer_fee = 3;
// relayer fee for the ACK or FAIL_ACK package of the mirror bucket tx
string mirror_bucket_ack_relayer_fee = 4;
// relayer fee for the mirror object tx
string mirror_object_relayer_fee = 5;
// Relayer fee for the ACK or FAIL_ACK package of the mirror object tx
string mirror_object_ack_relayer_fee = 6;
// relayer fee for the mirror object tx
string mirror_group_relayer_fee = 7;
// Relayer fee for the ACK or FAIL_ACK package of the mirror object tx
string mirror_group_ack_relayer_fee = 8;
// The maximum number of buckets that can be created per account
uint32 max_buckets_per_account = 9;
// The window to count the discontinued objects or buckets
uint64 discontinue_counting_window = 10;
// The max objects can be requested in a window
uint64 discontinue_object_max = 11;
// The max buckets can be requested in a window
uint64 discontinue_bucket_max = 12;
// The object will be deleted after the confirm period in seconds
int64 discontinue_confirm_period = 13;
// The max delete objects in each end block
uint64 discontinue_deletion_max = 14;
// The max number for deleting policy in each end block
uint64 stale_policy_cleanup_max = 15;

GfSpPing Proto

Ping defines the heartbeat request between p2p nodes.

message GfSpPing {
// sp_operator_address define sp operator public key
string sp_operator_address = 1;
// signature define the signature of sp sign the msg
bytes signature = 2;

GfSpPong Proto

Pong defines the heartbeat response between p2p nodes.

message GfSpPong {
// nodes define the
repeated GfSpNode nodes = 1;
// sp_operator_address define sp operator public key
string sp_operator_address = 2;
// signature define the signature of sp sign the msg
bytes signature = 3;

// Node defines the p2p node info
message GfSpNode {
// node_id defines the node id
string node_id = 1;
// multi_addr define the node multi addr
repeated string multi_addr = 2;


message MsgSealObject {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";

// operator defines the account address of primary SP
string operator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket where the object is stored.
string bucket_name = 2;

// object_name defines the name of object to be sealed.
string object_name = 3;

// global_virtual_group_id defines the id of global virtual group
uint32 global_virtual_group_id = 4;

// secondary_sp_bls_agg_signatures defines the aggregate bls signature of the secondary sp that can
// acknowledge that the payload data has received and stored.
bytes secondary_sp_bls_agg_signatures = 5;

MsgRejectSealObject Proto

message MsgRejectSealObject {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";

// operator defines the account address of the object owner
string operator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket where the object is stored.
string bucket_name = 2;

// object_name defines the name of unsealed object to be reject.
string object_name = 3;


message MsgDiscontinueBucket {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";

// operator is the sp who wants to stop serving the bucket.
string operator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket where the object which to be discontinued is stored.
string bucket_name = 2;
// the reason for the request.
string reason = 3;


message MsgCreateGlobalVirtualGroup {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "storage_provider";

// storage_provider defines the operator account address of the storage provider who create the global virtual group.
string storage_provider = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// family_id is the identifier for the virtual group's family.
uint32 family_id = 2;
// secondary_sp_id is a list of secondary storage provider IDs associated with the virtual group.
repeated uint32 secondary_sp_ids = 3;
// total_deposit is the total deposit amount required for the virtual group.
// The tokens needs deposited and the size of storage are correlated.
cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin deposit = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];


message MsgCompleteMigrateBucket {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "operator";

// operator defines the account address of the msg operator.
// The CompleteMigrateBucket transaction must be initiated by the destination SP of the migration
string operator = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// bucket_name defines the name of the bucket that need to be migrated
string bucket_name = 2;
// global_virtual_group_family_id defines the family id which the bucket migrate to
uint32 global_virtual_group_family_id = 3;
// gvg_mappings defines the src and dst gvg mapping relationships which the bucket migrate to
repeated GVGMapping gvg_mappings = 4;


message MsgUpdateSpStoragePrice {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sp_address";

// sp address
string sp_address = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// read price, in bnb wei per charge byte
string read_price = 2 [
(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec",
(gogoproto.customtype) = "",
(gogoproto.nullable) = false
// free read quota, in byte
uint64 free_read_quota = 3;
// store price, in bnb wei per charge byte
string store_price = 4 [
(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.Dec",
(gogoproto.customtype) = "",
(gogoproto.nullable) = false


message MsgSwapOut {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "storage_provider";

// storage_provider defines the operator account address of the storage provider who want to swap out from the global virtual group.
string storage_provider = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// virtual_group_family_id is the identifier of the virtual group family.
// if it set to non-zero, it represents that the operator swap out as the primary storage provider
// it it set to zero, it represents that the operator swap out as the secondary storage provider.
uint32 global_virtual_group_family_id = 2;
// global_virtual_group_ids is a list of global virtual group IDs associated with the swap out.
// It allows to be empty only when the operator is the primary storage provider.
repeated uint32 global_virtual_group_ids = 3;
// successor_sp_id is the unique id of the successor storage provider.
uint32 successor_sp_id = 4;
// approval includes an expiration time and a signature.
// The fields to be signed with contains the necessary information of the successor.
common.Approval successor_sp_approval = 5;


message MsgCompleteSwapOut {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "storage_provider";

// storage_provider defines the operator account address of the storage provider who complete swap out task.
string storage_provider = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
// virtual_group_family_id is the identifier of the virtual group family.
// if it set to non-zero, it represents that the operator swap out as the primary storage provider
// it it set to zero, it represents that the operator swap out as the secondary storage provider.
uint32 global_virtual_group_family_id = 2;
// global_virtual_group_ids is a list of global virtual group IDs associated with the swap out.
// It allows to be empty only when the operator is the primary storage provider.
repeated uint32 global_virtual_group_ids = 3;


message MsgStorageProviderExit {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "storage_provider";

// storage_provider defines the operator account address of the storage provider who want to exit from the greenfield storage network.
string storage_provider = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];


message MsgCompleteStorageProviderExit {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "storage_provider";

// storage_provider defines the operator account address of the storage provider who want to exit from the greenfield storage network.
string storage_provider = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];