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Contribute to opBNB Open Source Community

Welcome to the opBNB network, a thriving ecosystem driven by the collective power of its community. We believe that innovation knows no bounds, and we warmly welcome you to join us on our mission to shape the future of decentralized web3 economy.

Contributing to opBNB is not just about code; it's about sharing your unique expertise, ideas, and passion to enhance the platform and empower global users.

This page serves as a guide to showcase the various ways you can make a positive impact and play a crucial role in building a borderless, transparent, and inclusive network for all.

Following are the channels you can use for providing your valued contributions

Contribute to opBNB codebase

opBNB codebase is fully open source and all the optimizations in opBNB can be reused in other optimistic rollup implementations as well. We hope that this work will inspire more collaboration and innovation among EVM-compatible blockchain developers and users.

Contribute to opBNB Documentation

We welcome contributions to our documentation via GitHub. Follow the steps below to conribute successfully.

Steps for Contributing on GitHub

  • Make sure you have a GitHub account.
  • Create a GitHub issue for your contribution, assuming one does not already exist.
  • Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce if it is a bug.
  • Fork the repository on GitHub.
  • Minor Changes
  • Documentation
  • For small changes to comments and documentation, it is not always necessary to create a new GitHub issue. In this case, it is appropriate to start the first line of a commit with 'doc' instead of an issue number.

Finding things to work on

The first place to start is always looking over the current GitHub issues for the project you are interested in contributing to. Issues marked with help wanted are usually pretty self-contained and a good place to get started.

Of course, feel free to create a new issue if you think something needs to be added or fixed.

Making Changes

  • Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work. This is usually the master branch. Please avoid working directly on the master branch.
  • Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes and make sure all tests pass.

Submitting Changes

  • Submit a pull request to the docs repository in the BNB Chain organization.
  • Include a descriptive commit message.
  • Changes contributed via pull request should focus on a single issue at a time.
  • Rebase your local changes against the master branch. Resolve any conflicts that arise.