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Join BNB Ecosystem and Get More Exposure

There are several ways to share your project with BNBChain Ecosystem or seeking for cooperations.

We want to make it as easy as possible for prjects to get more exposure in BNBChain Ecosystem or ask for support from the team. Below is the guideline that we ask projects to follow so that we can get achieve this efficiently. If you find anything to improve, pls contact us on BNBChain official discord.

Contribute on Developer Data

To contribute on BNBChain developer activity, projects should add their github repositories to the community-supported developer tracking tool Crypto Ecosystems, which will track your developer activity and include it in BNBChain developer statistics.

Steps to submit:

  1. Prepare your github repository.
  2. Follow this Guide to add your repository to BNBChain ecosystem. Here is an example for your reference.

Submit Project on DappBay

DappBay is a hub for users to discover top dApps built on BNB Smart Chain, opBNB & BNB Greenfield, and do risk scanning for those dapps. You can submit your project information to DappBay to get full exposure to users.

Steps to submit:

  1. Connect to dappbay with your wallet.
  2. Fill in the form by Clicking on Submit-Dapps.

Submit Tools on Developers Tool

Developers Tool is a developer tooling landscape which collects toolings for developers to build on BSC, opBNB and Greenfield. Contributions on this page will make developers find your project and integrate it in their work more easily.

Steps to submit:

  1. Prepare basic information of your project: description, website, logo, supported chain, etc.
  2. Choose the tag (e.g. Defi, AI, Game, etc) and Category (e.g. Wallet, Dex, Marketplace, etc) your project belongs to.
  3. Submit the above information by raising a Github PR here. For more information, please refer to this Guide.

Submit Project for Cooperations

For projects seeking for cooperations, you could submit your project details in official discord channel submit-project. The team will review your submission and contact you if we find a fit.