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Quick Start

We provide templates that can run React (Next.js, Vite and CRA etc) directly.

You can use create-gnfd-app to create a app quickly:

> npx @bnb-chain/create-gnfd-app


Using Template

1. Fill Application name

Here I take my-gnfd-app as an example:

> npx @bnb-chain/create-gnfd-app
? What is your project named? my-gnfd-app

2. Select a template

Here I take nextjs as an example:

> npx @bnb-chain/create-gnfd-app
? What is your project named? my-gnfd-app
? select a template? (Use arrow keys)
❯ nextjs

3. Select a package manager

Here I take pnpm as an example:

> npx @bnb-chain/create-gnfd-app
? What is your project named? my-gnfd-app
? select a template? nextjs
? select a package manager?
❯ pnpm

4. Download template

Now downloading template:

? What is your project named? my-gnfd-app
? select a template? nextjs
? select a package manager? pnpm
Creating a new Greenfield app in my-gnfd-app.
🎉 download template - nextjs success

⠧ Installing dependencies with pnpm......

After a while you will see this line:

? What is your project named? my-gnfd-app
? select a template? nextjs
? select a package manager? pnpm
Creating a new Greenfield app in my-gnfd-app.
🎉 download template - nextjs success

🎉 Install dependencies successfully.

Run Application

> cd my-gnfd-app
> npm run dev

1. You can see Connect Wallet button


2. Click the button and select a wallet

3. wallet

4. Create a Bucket

Create Bucket Tx:

5. Create an Object

Create Object Tx / Upload File / Download File: