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Account Balance


The bank module is responsible for handling BNB transfers between accounts and module accounts.

In addition, the bank module tracks and provides query support for the total supply of BNB in the application.

Quick Start

Query Balances

To query the balances of an account, you can use the following command.

gnfd q bank balances ${receiver} --node ${node} 

You can specify any valid address you want to query via ${receiver}.

${node} is the rpc address of a Greenfield node.

node = ""


To transfer some coins you can use send command.

gnfd tx bank send ${key} ${receiver} ${coins} --home ~/.gnfd --node ${node}  -y

${key} is the name of local key.

${coins} defines the coins you want to transfer, for example, 500000000000000000000BNB.


Sometimes, you may want to transfer tokens to multiple people. multi-send command can be used for the purpose.

gnfd tx bank multi-send ${key} ${receiver1} ${receiver2} ${coins} --home ~/.gnfd --node ${node}  -y

Detailed CLI

A user can query and interact with the bank module using the CLI.


The query commands allow users to query bank state.

gnfd query bank --help


The balances command allows users to query account balances by address.

gnfd query bank balances [address] [flags]


gnfd query bank balances 0x73a4Cf67b46D7E4efbb95Fc6F59D64129299c2E3

Example Output:

- amount: "10000000000000000000000"
denom: BNB
next_key: null
total: "0"


The denom-metadata command allows users to query metadata for coin denominations. A user can query metadata for a single denomination using the --denom flag or all denominations without it.

gnfd query bank denom-metadata [flags]


gnfd query bank denom-metadata --denom BNB

Example Output:

base: BNB
- aliases:
- wei
denom: BNB
exponent: 0
description: The native staking token of the Greenfield.
display: BNB
name: ""
symbol: ""
uri: ""
uri_hash: ""


The total command allows users to query the total supply of coins. A user can query the total supply for a single coin using the --denom flag or all coins without it.

gnfd query bank total [flags]


gnfd query bank total --denom BNB

Example Output:

amount: "1000000000000000800000000000"
denom: BNB


The tx commands allow users to interact with the bank module.

gnfd tx bank --help


The send command allows users to send funds from one account to another.

gnfd tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]


gnfd tx bank send addr1.. addr2.. 100000000000000000000BNB