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Cross Chain Transfer


The bridge module is responsible for handling the BNB transfers between Greenfield and BSC.

Users can transfer BNB to BSC via gnfd command, and query the relayer fee for the cross-chain transfers.

Quick Start

Query Relayer Fee

For cross-chain transaction, some amount of fee will be paid to cross-chain relayers.

To query the fees, please use the following command.

gnfd q bridge params --node ${node} 

${node} is the rpc address of a Greenfield node.

node = ""

Transfer from Greenfield to BSC

To transfer funds from Greenfield to BSC, you can use the following command:

gnfd tx bridge transfer-out ${key} ${receiver} ${coins} --home ~/.gnfd --node ${node}  -y

${key} is the name of local key.

${coins} defines the coins you want to transfer, for example, 500000000000000000000BNB.

${receiver} defines the address on BSC, which will receive the funds.

Detailed CLI

A user can query and interact with the bridge module using the CLI.


The query commands allow users to query the params of the bridge module.

gnfd query bridge --help


The params command allows users to query the params of the bridge module.

gnfd query bridge params [flags]


gnfd query bridge params --node

Example Output:

transfer_out_ack_relayer_fee: "0"
transfer_out_relayer_fee: "1"


The tx commands allow users to interact with the bridge module.

gnfd tx bridge --help


The transfer-out command allows users to send funds between accounts from Greenfield to BSC.

gnfd tx bridge transfer-out [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]


gnfd tx bridge transfer-out alice 0x32Ff14Fa1547314b95991976DB432F9Aa648A423 500000000000000000000BNB --home ~/.gnfd --node  -y