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Decentralized social networks or DeSoc, unlike their centralized counterparts, function on blockchain-based platforms and empower users by enabling them to exchange information and create and distribute content to audiences.

What you will learn

In this tutorial, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to develop a DeSoc dApp on BNBChain. The demo shows how writers can upload chapters of their novels, interact with their readership, and monetize their work in a secure and transparent environment.


Solution architecture

  • Decentralized Publishing: Authors can directly upload their novels without the need for traditional publishing intermediaries, ensuring full control over their content and copyrights.
  • Customized Access: The access control feature of BNB Greenfield ensures full control over their content and copyrights. Authors can design different reader groups for different content. This feature encourages readership growth.
  • Tokenized Chapters: By leveraging the smart contract on opBNB, membership to reader groups is tokenized and listed for sale. Readers can purchase access to exclusive content using cryptocurrency.

Build a Fully On-chain DeSoc App

Content Creators User Journey

  1. Writers sign up, create a profile, and upload their work immediately. Each creator will create a separate bucket for storing
  2. The platform provides tools for formatting, membership management, and tokenization.
  3. Authors can track their sales, interact with readers, and withdraw their earnings directly to their cryptocurrency wallets.

Readers User Journey

  1. Discover novels/writers: Utilize platform tools to find and follow writers based on interests or trending topics.
  2. Subscription: Pay tokens to purchase membership NFT, enabling access to exclusive content and interactions.
  3. Access Exclusive Content: View unique insights and posts.

Tech Implementations


The DeSoc dApp is composed of three main parts.

  • Smart Contracts deployed on opBNB: NovelChain employs smart contracts to manage membership, ensuring authors receive their earnings instantly and transparently with each sale. Readers can purchase membership access to view chapters of a novel.
  • Frontend pages: Authors can directly upload their novels without the need for traditional publishing intermediaries. Readers can view the exclusive content after becoming a member.
  • Content Storage: Greenfield is a decentralized storage solution. Writers have full control over their content and copyrights.

Smart contract development


Environment Setup

  • git

  • yarn

  • Foundry

  • Greenfield CMD

  • Testnet account with tBNB

Download and install smart contract

To start a new project with Foundry, use forge init:

$ forge init hello_foundry

This creates a new directory hello_foundry from the default template. This also initializes a new git repository.

// install dependencies

forge install bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts@v1.2.0 --no-commit

forge install bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts-sdk@v1.1.0 --no-commit

forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts --no-commit

forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable --no-commit

Import the desired contracts

In novel.sol, add the following imports

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts/contracts/interface/IERC721NonTransferable.sol";

import "@bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts/contracts/interface/IERC1155NonTransferable.sol";

import "@bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts/contracts/interface/IGnfdAccessControl.sol";

import "@bnb-chain/greenfield-contracts-sdk/GroupApp.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/utils/structs/EnumerableMapUpgradeable.sol";

import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/utils/structs/DoubleEndedQueueUpgradeable.sol";

Override functions

Define and override the greenfieldCall, retryPackage and skipPackage functions if your dApp needs callback. You can route calls with the help of the internal method:

  function greenfieldCall(

uint32 status,

uint8 resourceType,

uint8 operationType,

uint256 resourceId,

bytes calldata callbackData

) external override(GroupApp) {

require(msg.sender == _GROUP_HUB, "Novel: invalid caller");

if (resourceType == RESOURCE_GROUP) {

_groupGreenfieldCall(status, operationType, resourceId, callbackData);

} else {

revert("Novel: invalid resource type");



Define the main functions

Next you need to define the main functional parts of the app. You can send cross-chain request to system contracts with the help of internal functions like below:

function listChapter(uint256 novelGroupId, uint256 chapterGroupId, uint256 price) public onlyNovelExist(novelGroupId) onlyGroupOwner(chapterGroupId) {

// the owner need to approve the Novel contract to update the group

require(IGnfdAccessControl(_GROUP_HUB).hasRole(ROLE_UPDATE, msg.sender, address(this)), "Novel: no grant");

require(prices[chapterGroupId] == 0, "Novel: already listed");

require(price > 0, "Novel: invalid price");


prices[chapterGroupId] = price;

emit List(msg.sender, novelGroupId, chapterGroupId, price);


Define other view functions, internal functions and access control system according to your own needs.

Smart Contract Deployment

  • Setup Environment Variables

cp .env.example .env


The OP_PRIVATE_KEY is the account that's responsible for deploying the contract and the OWNER_PRIVATE_KEY is the contract's owner. For convenience, you can use a same account.

  • Install

git clone --recurse-submodules && cd novel-contract


forge install

  • Deploy

forge script ./script/1-deploy.s.sol --rpc-url ${RPC_TESTNET} --legacy --broadcast --private-key ${OP_PRIVATE_KEY}

Frontend Deployment

  1. Download repository from here

  2. install dependencies

pnpm install
  1. Build packages:
pnpm build
  1. Run the demo application
npm run dev


Demo In Action

Create Novel

Once you have deployed the smart contract, writers can execute the following commands to create contents.

  • Create and Mirror Group
// create a group and get the id from the output

./build/gnfd-cmd --config ${CONFIG_PATH} group create gnfd://${GROUP_NAME}

// grant permission to the group

./build/gnfd-cmd --config ${CONFIG_PATH} policy put --groupId ${GROUP_ID} --actions get grn:o::${YOUR_BUCKET_NAME}/${YOUR_OBJECT_NAME}

// mirror the group to opBNB testnet

./build/gnfd-cmd --config ${CONFIG_PATH} group mirror --id ${GROUP_ID} --destChainId 5611
  • Allow writers to create novels where subscribers can receive messages without direct interaction
// use the same account that create bucket and object on greenfield

cast send ${proxyNovel}

"createNovel(uint256,string)" <group id of the novel> "Novel Name"

--rpc-url ${RPC_TESTNET}


--private-key ${PK_AUTHOR}
  • List contents on opBNB
  • use the same account that create bucket and object on greenfield

  • list a chapter with price 1BNB

cast send ${proxyNovel}

"listChapter(uint256,uint256,uint256)" <group id of novel> <group id of chapter> 1000000000000000000

--rpc-url ${RPC_TESTNET}


--private-key ${PK_AUTHOR}

Pay to view chapters

Readers can execute the following commands: call the smart contract to become a member of a group by paying tokens.

  • Readers pay to view chapters of a book
// subscribe from the buyer account

cast send ${proxyNovel}

"buy(address,uint8)()" ${ACCOUNT_AUTHOR} <group id of chapter>

--value ${PRICE}+${RELAYER_FEE}

--rpc-url ${RPC_TESTNET}


--private-key ${PK_BUYER}
  • Use Callback function to make sure the cross-chain tx is successful. Example on testnet can be found here. You can see that ERC1155 NFT is minted and transferred to subscriber.


You can find the full implementation here.

Closing Thoughts

In this tutorial, we discussed the numerous advantages of DeSoc applications on BNBChain and provided a step-by-step guide on how to develop a dApp similar to Pareon on opBNB and Greenfield. By leveraging the opBNB's high-speed and low-cost transaction processing capabilities, developers can create robust and scalable DeSoc applications that can handle a large number of users and transactions.

Join us on this transformative journey, and contribute to the evolution of Web3.


  1. Frontend
  2. Smart Contract


  1. BSC Faucet: