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  1. Do builders fetch the in-turn proposer's GasCeil to build block?

    Yes, you could using RPC mev_params to query validator's MEV information before building block, it can help to 1) calculate a valid header with gas no more than GasCeil; 2) calculate the left bidding time by BidSimulationLeftOver; 3) calculate suitable builderFee by validatorCommission.

  1. How does the validator choose the best bid?

    The block reward is calculated as gasFee, the validator reward is calculated as gasFee*commissionRate - builderFee. Every time the validator receives a new bid, it will compare its reward with the existing best bid. If it has better block reward and validator reward, the new bid will go into simulation. If simulation succeeds before block sealing, it will be compared with local mined block reward. If the bid's block reward and validator reward are both superior to the local block, it will be sealed by the validator.

  1. Who can become the builder?

    Anyone is allowed to become a builder.