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Stake Migration For BEP153

The BEP-153 has been introduced as a native staking protocol onto BNB Smart Chain before BNB Chain fusion. With this BEP, individual or institution delegators can stake BNB to specified validators and get staking rewards on the BSC side directly.

However, underlying the protocol users’ BNB are crosschain transferred to the Beacon Chain and then staked there. With the BNB Chain fusion, the delegators of BEP-153 needs to migrate their stakes to the new staking system.

For BEP-153 stakes, the delegators need to undelegate, wait for the unbounding period (7 days), and then get their BNB back to stake on the new staking system.

This document will guide you through the process of stake migration for BEP-153 delegators, including Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) protocol’s users.

For Individual Delegators

  1. Open the Staking contract on BSCScan

  2. You can find your delegation information on the “Transactions” tab, or you can query the contract as the following:

  3. Undelegate your delegations by calling the undelegate function img

  4. Afther the unbounding period (7 days), call the claimUndelegated function to get your BNB back img

  5. Then you can delegate your BNB to the new staking system by following the new staking guide

For LSD Protocol Delegators

  1. Go to your LSD protocol dApps and undelegate your delegations

  2. Wait for the unbounding period (7 days)

  3. Then you can delegate your BNB to the new staking system by following the new staking guide

For LSD Protocol Projects

For LSD protocol projects, you MUST finish your undelegations before the Second Sunset Fork of Beacon Chain. In the Second Sunset Fork, all the delegations will automatically be returned to the delegator addressess. If your delegation address is not an EOA address, you will lose the control of your stakes and the fund will be lost.